በኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተክርስቲያን የካህናት እና ምዕመናን ኅብረት


The Short Biography of Abba Iyyesus Moa

Abba Iyesus-Mo’a, one of the saints of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church, was the founder and abbot of the famous monastery of St. Stephen of Lake Hayq in Wollo, about 630 km North of Addis Ababa. According to his hagiography, Abba Iyyesus Mo’a was conceived to his father Zekristos and his mother Egzi’e Kibra on Sunday, August 26, 1205 and was born on Wednesday, May 26, 1206 E.C during the reign of Ne’akuto Le’ab in a place called Dahina Gabriel, in Gondar. 

He was raised up in his parents’ house learning religious and ethical education. At the age of thirty, he went to the Monastery of Debre Damo and started his ascetic life. After years of harsh trial and education, he received the monastic order from   Abba Yohanni, the seventh abbot of Dabra Damo around 1247 E.C. 

According to his hagiography, one day, the angle of God, St. Gabriel, appeared and told him to go to the place known as “Haiq,” where his name will be glorified and his legacy celebrated through generations. Then, he asked the angle saying, “How can I know the place?”  But the angle ordered him to go forward obeying the order, so he started his journey and reached hurriedly after six hours walk, which could be a journey of several months, by the help of the angle.  

Before his arrival to the Monastery of Haiq Estifanos, he remained and served there for about six months in the church of Saints Peter and Paul, which is found north of the Monastery. He offered evangelical sermons for the people in the day time and then entered into the lake in the night for prayer. As his Gadl (hagiography) has recorded,  the entrance and departure of Abba Iyyesus Mo’a (in the form of light) into and from the lake every morning and every evening is divinely revealed to church fathers lived around the church of Haiq Estiphanos. 

Eventually through the request of the fathers of the Monastery and by the order of God, he was nominated as abbot of the Monastery. During his stay of forty-four years as an abbot, he collected several manuscripts from different monasteries and made them to be copied, and he established the first modern Ethiopian church libraries. Similarly, he established the first great church schools there where he trained 800 disciples and sent them across the country for evangelical services authorizing with a title Neburane’ed (nebure’ed being the highest hierarchal church position). 

 Dabre Hayq became a center of education and pilgrimage even during the lifetime of its founder. Abba Iyyesus Mo’a is one of the most eminent personalities of Ethiopian monasticism and is said to have been the spiritual father of many disciples, who stayed with him on the island and who in return established other monasteries. Among the few prominent disciples of Abba Iyyesus Mo’a are: 

 According to the same source, Abba Iyyasus  Mo’a played a great role in the restoration of the Solomonic Dynasty in 1270. There was a strong relationship between Abba Iyyasus Mo’a and Yekunno Amlak. It has been known that before Yekunno Amlak, the Solomonic Daynasty was lost and the power was seized by the Zaguwe Dynasty for about 373 years.  

Gadle Abba Iyyasus Mo’a narrated this historical event as follows: “…ወእምዝ ፈነወቶ ለሕፃን ምስለ ወልዳ ከመ ይትመሀር  ቃለ እግዚአብሔር እምኀበ…. ኢየሱስ ሞዓ ወሶበ አእመረ ኢየሱስ ሞዓ ከመ ሀሎ ኃይለ እግዚአብሔር ላዕለ ውእቱ ሕፃን ይቤሎ ለሕፃን ለእመ አግብአ ለከ እግዚአብሔር  መንግሥተ አቡከ መሐል ሊተ ከመ ትግበር ፈቃደ ልብየ ወመሐለ ሎቱ..’Then, she sent him to learn the word of God from Abba Iyyesus Mo’a; during this time, Abba Iyyasus Mo’a had understood divinely as the Power of God exists upon this boy (Yekunno Amlak) so that he must be credited with helping the young boy to seize power from the Zaguwe Daynasty.

 Then Abba Iyyasus Mo’a made the boy to promise, to accomplish his will if he became a king, and Yekunno Amlak promised’”.   Thus, Yekunno Amlak was grown and studied under Abba Iyyasus Mo’a. Later on, when Yekunno Amlak came to power, he accomplished what he promised to Abba Iyyasus Mo’a. The covenant made between Abba Iyyasus Mo’a and Yekunno Amlak was listed below:

Abba Iyessus Mo’a was also responsible for cleansing Atse Yikuno Amlak from his sin through repentance when the king was claimed to have married the wife of his father, which is strongly condemned in the Christian matrimonial custom. Due to this historical ties, Abba Iyyesus Mo’a has had a strong relationship with the emperors of the time. For instance, the manuscript of the four gospels Abuna Iyyasus Mo’a donated to the Monastery  is still found in its library  and it contains written references for visits to the Monastery by the two most powerful Ethiopian monarchs of the day, Yekunno Amlak (1270-1285) and Amda Seyon (1314-1344).

Abba Iyyesus Mo’a contributed, with unreserved effort, in the restoration of Christianity after the damage by Yodit Gudit through his evangelical programs by sending his disciples across the country especially towards southern parts of the country. Most of the monasteries that we have today are the fruit of his efforts and that of his disciples trained from Haiq Estiphanos, the ancient church university. 

Abba Iyyesus Mo’a died on Sunday, November 26/ 1292 E.C after he lived there for 44 years. According to his hagiography, during his departure from this world, light was occupying the surrounding area witnessing his religious devotions.


A mother of 5 children in Sululta city Addis Ababa has committed suicide today.

April 2, 2023 9:31 am 

A mother of 5 children whose house was demolished in Sululta city committed suicide today. The death of this mother, many have died before. This madness will continue as long as we ignore the problem ask as citizen of this nation, the problem continues. Our silence and fear has continued while we are watching and hearing this horrific atrocities across the country.

War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, and Ethnic Cleansing in Ethiopia

March 20, 2023 12:42 pm

Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State

Ethiopia is now emerging from two years of a brutal conflict in the north, during which all parties committed atrocities.  With the November 2, 2022 cessation of hostilities agreement (COHA) in place, the fighting has stopped, human rights abuses in northern Ethiopia are significantly down, Eritrean forces are leaving, and the Ethiopian government is taking the first step towards transitional justice.  However, the suffering that was wrought upon civilians in northern Ethiopia must be acknowledged.

After careful review of the law and the facts, I have determined that members of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF), Eritrean Defense Forces (EDF), Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) forces, and Amhara forces committed war crimes during the conflict in northern Ethiopia.

Members of the ENDF, EDF, and Amhara forces also committed crimes against humanity, including murder, rape and other forms of sexual violence, and persecution.

Members of the Amhara forces also committed the crime against humanity of deportation or forcible transfer and committed ethnic cleansing in western Tigray.

Formally recognizing the atrocities committed by all parties is an essential step to achieving a sustainable peace.  Those most responsible for atrocities, including those in positions of command, must be held accountable.

We welcome the commitment that the parties to the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement have made to acknowledge the atrocities committed and their devastating consequences.  We urge all parties to follow through on their commitments to one another and implement a credible, inclusive, and comprehensive transitional justice process.  We additionally call on the Government of Eritrea to ensure comprehensive justice and accountability for those responsible for abuses in Ethiopia.

These steps – acknowledgement, accountability, and reconciliation – are key to breaking the cycle of ethnic and political violence that has gripped Ethiopia and prevented it from reaching its unlimited potential for too long.

The United States will partner with Ethiopia as it implements a credible transitional justice process for the benefit of all victims and affected communities.  We will stand with Ethiopia as it honestly faces the abuses in its past, provides accountability for the harms committed against its citizens, and moves toward a future of lasting peace.

Source: State Department 

Komos Aba W/Gebriel Killed by Unknown Individuals in Goner 

March 16, 2023 8:45 pm

A memorial program for Komos Aba W/Gebriel who was the former abemenet of Beata Mariam monastery and who was killed by unknown individuals hands in North Gondar archdiocese and a memorial service were held at his birth place Wolayta Delbo Medhanialem church. Following the memorial service, the funeral has been completed at the same place.

Qomos Aba Wolde Gabriel were born in Wolayta archdiocese Delbo city and he spent most of his life in the northern part of our country as students and as servant of the house of lord.

Qomos Aba Wolde Gabriel were teaching around Gondar and who were serving as a monk at Agemariam monastery were attacked by unknown people and died from his sustained wound on February 16 due to physical fatigue.

This father has served from Beata Mariam to Waldiba in a special service. We demand Gonder archdiocese should present details of the perpetrators of this great father to the community of believers following the sermon of Gondar.

May his precious blessings be upon us !!!.

Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church

March 18, 2023 9:25 pm.

Ethiopia was introduced to the Christian faith by the Ethiopian eunuch who was baptized by the apostle Philip (Acts 8). The Ethiopian Orthodox Church was founded on a synodal level in 328 AD. The first bishop of the church was Frumentius, a Syrian by birth brought up in Ethiopia in the palace of Axum. He went to Alexandria and returned after being consecrated as bishop by Saint Athanasius. The faithful in Ethiopia call him Abba Salama Kassate Berhan (Father of Peace and Revealer of Light). Nine saints from the Middle East and Asia Minor migrated to Ethiopia 150 years later. They introduced monastic life, translated many religious books from Aramaic and Hebrew into the Geez language, and expounded the One-person, One-nature doctrine of St Cyril. Since the schism of 451, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church shares the same faith with the Coptic, Syrian and Armenian Orthodox Churches and the Syrian Orthodox Church of India (Tewahedo is a word that reflects the Ethiopian understanding of one nature).

The church has suffered greatly from various religious persecutions down the centuries. The reign of Queen Yodit in the 9th century lasted for forty years and caused great damage to the life of the church. The invasion of Mohammed the Left-Handed in the 16th century was even more destructive. Again during the 17th century, the church suffered persecution at the hands of the Jesuit Alphonzo Mendez and his followers. During the fierce five-year struggle against the invasion of Mussolini from 1935 to 1940, several bishops, many priests and thousands of faithful lost their lives. More than 2,000 churches were destroyed and numerous church manuscripts taken away.

Since 1950 the Ethiopian Orthodox Church has been autocephalous. The church has 81 canonical books and 14 anaphoras. The language of the divine service is Geez, the ancient language of Ethiopia. Today, however, portions of the liturgy are also rendered in Amharic. There are seven official fasting periods: (1) all Wednesdays and Fridays (except during the 50 days after Easter); (2) the Lenten fast; (3) the Nenveh fast; (4) the vigils or Gahad of Christmas and Epiphany; (5) the fast of the apostles; (6) the fast of the prophets; (7) the fast of the Assumption.

The supreme authority in matters of church administration and justice - legislative, administrative and judicial - belongs to the holy synod which meets twice a year, under the chairmanship of His Holiness the Patriarch. The diocesan archbishop is the chairman of the diocesan parish council. The national parish council meets once a year in the patriarchate, also under the chairmanship of the patriarch. The church has two kinds of clergy: the regular priests, who administer the sacraments, and the learned lay clerks, who are entrusted with the chant of the church offices and teaching in the schools. There are six clergy training centrs and one theological seminary. The current administrative structure has been most conducive for both the clergy and the laity to meet the vital needs of the whole human being and to work together for the development of the church, both spiritually and socially, through the respective parish councils. The Sunday school programm unit is very active.

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church exists in the Sudan and Djibouti, in Jerusalem, Europe and North and South America. Now days over 20 of its bishops serve the church outside Ethiopia.

An Orthodox Church Priest stoned to death in the Ethiopian capital

March 15, 2023 7:39PM

Credible local sources on Friday reported that an Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church priest is stoned to death in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. Eyewitnesses have confirmed the tragic incident to sources close to the Ethiopian Church. 

Mahibere Kidusan, an church organization recognized by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, media identified the victim as Kesis Abay Melese.

What is known at this point about the circumstances under which he was stoned to death is that he was on his way home after a church mass service.  

He was serving in Horsisa St. Mary church in the area. 

The incident happened near Haile Garment’s locality on the outskirts of Addis Ababa. 

The report further indicated that the devices of individuals who were attempting to take video footage of what appeared to be a mob attack were seized by security forces and the contents were deleted. 

Mahibere Kidusan also said that its sources indicated that there have been threats against those serving in the nearby church. 

The Ethiopian Church has been facing unprecedented attacks under Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s administration over the past five years. To cite the latest incident, on March 2 government security forces fired teargas on members of the church in the premises of the church in the heart of Addis Ababa during a solemn religious procession to commemorate Martyr St. George.  One person was killed and dozens were wounded. 

Addis Ababa or Federal police has not yet remarked about the tragic killing of the priest in the capital Addis  Ababa. 

Apart from a physical attack on churches and servants in the church, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church recently faced what appears to be a politically motivated division from within which orchestrated by the prime minister and the Oromia president Shimeles Abdissa, the impacts of which was causing security concerns across the country. 

ብፁዕ አቡነ አረጋዊ ከዚህ ዓለም ድካም አረፉ

በሐምሌ ፱ ቀን ፳፻፱ ዓም በብፁዕ ወቅዱስ አቡነ ማትያስ ፓትርያርክ ርዕሰ ሊቃነ ጳጳሳት ዘኢትዮጵያ ሊቀ ጳጳስ ዘአክሱም ወዕጨጌ ዘመንበረ ተክለሃያማኖት አንብሮተ ዕድ ከተሾሙት ጳጳሳት መካከል አንዱ የሆኑት በቀድሞ ስማቸው አባ ኃይለማርያም መለሰ ዶ/ር በጵጵስና ስማቸው ብፁዕ አቡነ አረጋዊ የብፁዕ ወቅዱስ ፓትርያርክ ልዩ ጽ/ቤት እና የውጪ ግንኙነት መምሪያ ኃላፊና  የድሬ ደዋና የጅቡቲ አህጉረ ስብከት ሊቀ ጳጳስ ከዚህ ዓለም ድካም አርፈዋል። ብፁዕነታቸው ለረጅም ጊዜ ከሀገር ውጪና በሃገር ውስጥ በህክምና ሲረዱ ቆይተው ሊሻላቸው ባለመቻሉ ዛሬ መጋቢት ፲፪ ቀን ፳፻፲፭ ዓም ከዚህ ዓለም ድካም አርፈዋል። የብፁዕ አባታችን በረከታቸው ይደርብን አሜን።