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EOTCCPA Team Members and their work


The leadership of EOTCCPA team has worked tirelessly and assemble two peaceful assembly in Washington DC and communicate with members of congress and government officials including secretary of states numerous times 

Chair Person 

Reese Liqanat Abreham H/ Selassie

Vice Chair Person

Melake Tebebat Dr. Abba Gebrial


Meleak Sahel Mullugeta 

Public Relation 

Mr. Abel Gashe

Legal Advisor  

Mr. Asteray Haddis 

Project Lead

Memher Kesis Neway Kassahun

Media and IT

Information Team

Meleake Tsion Belachew Worku


Meet the Board Members 

January 23, 2023 7:28 pm. 

Board members are individuals who are elected or appointed to oversee the management and direction of an organization. They are typically responsible for making decisions that impact the overall strategy, operations, and financial stability of the organization.

Board members can come from diverse backgrounds, including business, nonprofit, legal, financial, or other fields. They bring their unique skills, expertise, and perspectives to the board and work collaboratively with other board members to ensure the organization is fulfilling its mission and serving its stakeholders effectively.

Some of the specific responsibilities of board members may include:

Overall, board members play a critical role in the success and sustainability of an organization, and their leadership and decision-making skills are essential for achieving the organization's goals and serving its constituents effectively.

Join the team

January 23, 2023 4:56 pm. 

Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church since, 1966 it has been openly ideologically, systematically and structurally being attacked to weaken the Church as a religious institution and to destroy its followers. The attacks continue to this day. It has been embroiled in controversy under the guise of revolution, ethnic equality, government change, and ethnic conflict.

Over the past four years, Orthodox Christians have been massacred in Benishangul-Gumz region, SNNPR region, Oromia region, Addis Ababa, special zones in Amhara region, Tigray Axum (Danglat Mariam), etc., because of their religion. While orthodox isolation, killings, and widespread violence are commonplace, the current federal and regional governments prefer to keep silent rather than fulfill their obligations.

The process of exterminating the Orthodox has reached a tipping point by dividing the Orthodox in their own country along racial and linguistic lines, promoting, organizing, structuring and giving a hidden racial political agenda to the political ideology.

Therefore, the time is over now and we should not allow the federal government and regional governments and their structures to attack the Church ideologically, systematically and structurally; We should not allow running politics at the cost of Orthodox Church and followers. Instead, we should enforce them to hear and listen the voice of Orthodox as well as respect the right, peace, and security of the Church followers. 

And we call on all Orthodox Christians who believe in "this is enough" and all other denominations who believe in human equality and dignity to stand up for truth, justice, and humanity.

Washington DC March 5, 2023
March 5, 2023 at White House