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Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church

A Brief History of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church

January 24, 2023 6:05 pm. 

The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church is one of the oldest Christian churches in the world, with a history that dates back to the first century AD. According to tradition, the church was founded by the Ethiopian eunuch who was converted to Christianity by the Apostle Philip in Acts 8:26-39.

The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church has a unique history and theology, with a strong connection to the ancient Coptic Church of Egypt. It was officially established as an independent church in the fourth century, after the Council of Nicaea in AD 325, which defined many of the basic tenets of Christian theology.

Throughout its history, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church has faced many challenges, including persecution by pagan rulers, Islamic invasions, and colonialism. Despite these challenges, the church has continued to thrive and has played a significant role in the development of Ethiopian culture and society.

One of the most important figures in the history of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church was Abune Tekle Haymanot, who lived in the 13th century. He is considered a saint by the church and is credited with many miracles, including the ability to levitate and the power to heal the sick.

In modern times, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church has continued to play an important role in Ethiopian society, providing spiritual guidance and social services to its members. The church has also expanded its influence beyond Ethiopia, with significant diaspora communities in North America, Europe, and the Middle east.

Within the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Administration Currently

The church currently lead by the it's apostolic succession Bitsue Wekedus Abune Matias is our current Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.  

Bitsue Wekidus Abune Matias

Patriarch of EOTC 

Bitsue Abune Abraham

General Manager of EOTC

Bitsue Abune Petros

General Secretary of EOTC

To all diplomatic communities, Nation States, religious institutions, International Civic Societies (ICS), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and all International Communities (ICs)

January 28, 2023 4:35 pm. 

On the 22 January 2023, three individuals who were archbishops and members of the Holy Synod of our Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, conducted an illegal and un-canonical installation of a group of 26 monks to the rank of episcopate against the teaching and practice of the Church, without the knowledge of the Holy Synod and the permission of His Holiness Abune Matthias I, Patriarch of Ethiopia, Archbishop of Axum and Echegue of the See of St. TekleHaymanot.

The Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church convened urgent general meeting to discuss the anti-canonical actions whereby all archbishops from all over the world assembled and made canonical decision. Consequently, the Holy Synod excommunicated the three Archbishops, who made a great violation of our ancient apostolic canons, and their delinquency by denying the right and lawful dignity, legal personality of the Holy Synod and the Church. Furthermore, the Holy Synod nullified the unlawful and uncanonical ordination of the 26 monks to the rank of episcopes as it is totally unacceptable and against the fundamental and established doctrine, canon and administrative tradition of the Orthodox Church.

The allegedly illegal ordination of the monks have faced opposition from all local and abroad dioceses, all organizational structures of the Church, Oriental Orthodox Churches, global interfaith and interchurch institutions, and our development and social service partners. The Holy Synod considers the action as part of the ongoing hostility against the Church by different extremist political bodies and fanatic religious groups; hence the Holy Synod officially requested the government to undertake its legal responsibility to protect the Historic, legal, apostolic, globally recognized Holy Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Ethiopia, the security of social/civic institutions, never to recognize the illegally formed group in the name of our church, maintain the countries stability, preserve the rule of law and the safety as well as the religious freedom of the citizens.

Apart from the Government bodies, the Holy Synod also called upon all diplomatic communities, Nation States, religious institutions, International Civic Societies (ICS), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and all International Communities (ICs), to understand and respond considering the situation we are in, to show your solidarity towards our ancient, historical, purely civic and spiritual institution, known to all by its identity as the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. The Holy Synod by far called on the church’s members inside the country and all over the world to guard and defend the Church.

The Holy Synod addressed the all International community that it is for the first time in her history, there is a strategic attempt to ethnically divide the Church and the Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. As a result, our Orthodox Archbishops, in various places are being targeted and facing with various abuses, their Archbishoprics are being forcefully broken, church properties including our parish church building are being forcefully broken and are invaded by an illegally and uncanonical organized groups, named itself as “Ethnic Synod”; our clergies, youth and faithful are under sever persecutions. It is noted that in various places security forces of regional government are involved. In general, our Orthodox Church is faced with sever persecution which needs very serious global attention.

The Holy Synod is trying to handle the situation canonically, legally, spiritually, morally and responsibly. However, the killing and forceful persecutions are beyond our control, where Institutional right of the church and its legal identity is cruelly violated.

Finally the Holy Synod would like to inform all that there is only one Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, One Holy Synod and one Holy Patriarch under the spiritual organization of our Church. Once again, the attempt to create another Ethnic Synod is invalid and condemned by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and many others. The Holy Synod conveyed its deepest gratitude, acknowledged and appreciated, the continuous support and solidarity from the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, the Malankaran Syrian Orthodox Church of India, the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, the World council of Churches, the Middle East Council of Churches, other Churches and Church related Originations, Civic Societies inside and outside of the Country. Furthermore, the Church anticipates the strong and dedicated support and solidarity until the problem totally resolved.

The Resolutions of the Holy Synod will be posted here:

EOTC Patriarchate Head Office Department of Foreign Affairs

(English Translation) Resolution passed by the General Assembly of the Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in its emergency meeting on 26/01/2023 regarding the current religious, canonical, and administrative violations that occurred against the Church

January 26, 2023 11:18 am. 

The Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church led by the Holy Spirit conducted an emergency General Assembly in case of urgent and emergency issues based on the provisions of Article 19 Number 3 of the Constitution of the Church. Accordingly, it convened an emergency General Assembly on the 26th of January, 2023, and passed a resolution regarding the current religious, canonical, and administrative violations that occurred against the Church.

The Ancient, Apostolic, Universal and Holy Church That proclaim the unity of believers and unbelievers, humankind and Angles, humankind and God has served every generations without differences of language, color and ethnicity and brought all together to be Children of God through Baptism from water and Spirit that enables to enter the Kingdom of God without any difference. The Holy Church That established by the blood of Christ, reached to this generation passing through various challenges.

Dividing the people of God ethnically or linguistically is neither doctrinal nor scriptural; Also such attempt is a strange phenomenon at the global level, and incomparable to the ecclesial and spiritual nature of The Holy Church. The Holy Synod is saddened due to the unconscious act of coup against The Holy Synod. The history of our Holy Church shows as it has been the foundation and pillar for national unity, peaceful social bonds, justice, wisdom, social development, health, and ethics. It has been universally honored, respected, and loved for its values and potential. Its spiritual wealth is acknowledged and recognized by international scholars, and studied in higher educational institutions; and its heritages are documented by global representatives. Recently The Church faced a very serious illegal act of dismantling its institutional structure by individuals, who were appointed by the Church Itself. Those Arc Bishops violated the doctrine, belief and religious canon of the Church and denied as the Church is free of politics but stands for social development of the society.


The Holy Synod held an urgent general assembly under the guidance of the Holy Spirit regarding the illegal and shameful act of violation of Church Cannon On the 22nd of January, 2023, at Haro Beale Wold Church, located at Sodo Dachi District of Southwest Showa Diocese. The Holy Synod has considered the recommendations, positions statements, letters and resolutions of national and international dioceses, Administrative Council of Patriarchate Head Office, Council of Scholars, Department of Legal Services, national and international Youth organizations and Sunday schools, spiritual associations, the joint voices of the laities and servants which is submitted in person and via medias. The Holy Synods also considered the letters sent by Coptic Orthodox Church, the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church, the Indian Malan Kara Orthodox Church, other sister Orthodox Churches, as well as the World Council of Churches, international spiritual institutions, development and Charity organizations who are partners of our Church that expressed their solidarity through various statements disapproving and condemning this illegal act and violations.

As it is mentioned above, the Holy Church has never lived without challenges since its foundation by the Holy Blood of Christ, as it is testified by the Holy Scriptures and historical records. During the time of the Apostles – the false brethren; and during the time of the scholars – various heretics were rising and posed various challenges against The Church.

As we can see clearly today, the Holy Church is still being tested by external and internal enemies. Consequently, the Holy Synod understands that the unfortunate, un-synodical, scandalous, illegal and clear violations of the Church canon that brought 26 monks into un-canonical appointment under the leadership of abba Sawiros to dioceses which are already being served by legally appointed Arc Bishops on January 22, 2023 in South West Shewa Diocese, at Sodo Dachi District, Haro Beale Weld Church, is more than a violation of the Church’s canon, as it divides the State, it destroys and erodes the unity of the believers, it insights violence between believers, the clergy, the scholars and the youth and eventually destabilizes peace of the country and leads to blood-shedding conflict.

Consequently, based on the apostles canon stated in the third epistle of Clement of Rome, Article 25, “The bishops in every province should know who their leader is. Let them make him a father. Let they do not do anything small or mundane without his permission. And let he does not do anything without the permission of the bishops, if he does minor things, he has no curse. Let they live together as a discussants of one heart and speaker of one word.” These lawless, individuals have abrogated this canon of the Apostles;

Again, the same canonical book 44th article writes, “Let the Arch-Bishop (Patriarch) examine the work of Bishops they do and the orders they hold in the countries where the bishops are appointed; and if he found them having done an unworthy work, and commanded an unworthy order, he would give the order that was revealed to him. For he is the appointed father of all and they are his children…” And for this reason, the individuals who committed this non-canonical ordination illegally violated the sovereign authority of the Holy Synod and the pontifical rights of the Holy Patriarch;

Whereas, concerning the ordination of priesthood the Word of God says, “No one takes glory for himself unless he is called by God like Aaron” (Hebrews 5:4), the ordination starting from the deaconship to the patriarchy requires vocation and to be called by God first. And it is vibrant that there is a visibly defined canonical procedure and biblical criteria even for those who select and coordinate, let alone for the candidates, as Saint Paul explained it in detail in his letter. (1Tim. 3:10, Titus, 1:5-7; Fitha Negest/Collections of Canons in the Church Article 4)

Concerning the ordination of bishops the Holy Apostles codified in the third Epistle of Clement saying, “A bishop is ordained with the consent of the people of his country and Arc bishop of his country. Let three, if not two bishops ordain him.” This is done in a very rare condition (Extreme Critical Conditions) where there is no Holy Synod and Patriarch, so that the faithful do not disperse. However, citing this canon for an illegal act defying the sovereign authority of the Actively working Holy Synod chaired by the Holy Patriarch and led by the Holy Spirit is considered as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and should be emphasized that it is an unforgivable sin as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ taught us in the Holy Gospel. (Matthew 12:30-32, Luke 12:10 Mark 3:28-29, 1 Timothy 1:13). The act of these individuals is to subvert the legitimate Ethiopian Holy Synod led by the Holy Spirit, undermine the structure of the great Holy Church, and destroy the legal institution. Therefore, it is condemned and anathematized by the Holy Synod as an act of sedition.
The Canon of the 318 Fathers gathered in Nicaea (Article 9) concerning the ordination of bishops, stated, “If one wants to be ordained as a bishop, and if the people of the country allow him, but the Arc bishop of the country does not allow him, he should not be ordained as a bishop.

If he is found ordained violating this, the Holy Synod will excommunicate him and his ordination will remain nullified.” The said ordination which is made contrary to the canon of the Church is defying the sovereign authority of the ancient, apostolic, national and universal Holy Orthodox Tewahedo Church. And it is primarily condemned by the holy fathers. Besides, when bishops are ordained, the canon of the Church do not allow anyone to go to the Political leaders without the permission of the Holy Patriarch. Hence it is decided that, “No one from the Episcopates and bishops shall go to the king’s house without the permission of the Archbishop. He who violates this, will be will anathematized by Holy Synod. So, the Holy Synod will excommunicate who broke this order.” Hence, today, since any activity outside the [recognition and permission] of the Holy Synod and the Holy Patriarch is illegal, so they are excommunicated and anathematized by the Holy Synod.

As it is written in the canon of the Church, “…everyone should keep his title; the title of someone should not be transferred to another. Anyone who violate this canon will be excommunicated by, the Holy Synod” Accordingly, these illegal individuals are condemned and excommunicated by the Holy Synod;

Whereas it violates Article 16 number 30 of the Constitution of the Church which stipulates that the authority to decide whether to elect and appoint bishops is that of the Holy Synod;
Whereas Article 37 number 1 of the Constitution of the Church stipulates that the election of bishops will only take place when it is trusted and decided by the General Assembly of the Holy Synod;
Whereas Article 18 number 5 of the Constitution of the Church stipulates that a bishop who violates the religious rules and canons of the Church will be removed from membership;
The Holy Synod excommunicated them for violating all these [canons and constitutions of the Church]! Eventually, the illegal activity is not acceptable as it is condemned by the law of both man and God, and is deviation from the fundamental belief, and is not accepted by the canon of the Holy Fathers, the constitution and the administration of the Church in general.

1. According to Article 5 number 138 of the fithe Menfesawi (Collections of canons of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church), it is confirmed that
1 st . Abba Sawiros
2 nd . Abba Eustathius
3 rd . Abba Zena Markos have declared through the social and broadcast Medias that they have ordained 26 bishops and established a Synod on 22nd of January, 2023, in Haro Beale Weld Church, at Sodo Dachi District, in Southwest Showa Diocese. They did this with the authority not given to them in violation of the Church’s canon. Hence, they committed an act of treason and religious sectarianism by deceiving the Christian faithful living in the country and abroad, the Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church led by the Holy Spirit, excommunicated, anathematized and separated them by revoking the full priesthood (from deacon-hood until episcopacy) given to them from the Church.
A. As of today, 26th of January, 2023, they should be called by their former secular names since their authority and titles are revoked by the General Assembly of the Holy Synod.
B. The Holy Synod excommunicated and separated them from the Church so that they would not receive any spiritual service from our Church whether in life or death.
C. It has decided to assign Archbishops on the following dioceses that were led by these individuals who are excommunicated by the General Assembly of the Holy Synod:-
i. For South-west Shoa Diocese
ii. For Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda Diocese
iii. For Ilu-Ababora and Beno Bedele Diocese
iv. For Minnesota and Surrounding Diocese in North America
v. For of Guji, West Guji and Borna Liben Dioceses
vi. For the Monastery of Meskaye Hezunan Medhanealem
However, the Holy Synod announces that the doors of mercy (repentance) of the Holy Church are always open and they will be accepted according to the canon of the Church if these individuals mentioned above by name repent and ask for forgiveness.

2. Concerning the 25 monks who are misguided by individuals who defy the authority of the Holy Synod and have broken the canon of the Church, and are illegally presumed to be ordained as bishops, they have violated the canon of the Church. As a result, the full clerical authority given to them starting from the deaconship is revoked and they are excommunicated by the General Assembly of the Holy Synod as of the 26th of January 2023.

3. One among of these individuals, named as Abba Tsegazeab Adugna, understood his wrongdoing and regretted the violation of the canon and his illegal behavior and petitioned an apology to the Church before the emergency General Assembly of the Holy Synod. The Holy Synod accepted his apology and declares that the Church’s doors of mercy are always open for the remaining individuals to welcome their petition according to the canon of the Church if they wish to do so.

4. The Patriarchate Head office is ordered to undertake the necessary follow ups and administrative measures on individuals who are working in the offices of the Patriarchate through the local Churches in and outside the country, and those who are directly or indirectly involved in this anti-Church and un-canonical act.

5. In consideration of the illegality and violation of canon that history will not forgive; the Holy Synod strongly urges all institutions and individuals who have been and are supporting this historical ruthless violation of the canon; financially and in any other way to refrain from this illegal behavior. The Holy Synod instructs [the Office of the Patriarchate] to pursue any legal process that deem necessary if they are unwilling to abstain from their illegal act.

6. Ecclesial officials at all levels, Church scholars, monks and clergy, Sunday school youth, the various spiritual associations of the Church and the laity are urged to closely monitor and control the institutions and individuals that support this illegal behavior. In addition to this, The Holy Synod decided to let you do your part in protecting the security of the Church.

7. The Holy Synod decides that it is strictly forbidden for these individuals to be called in the name of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, adding to its name or reducing part of it, before or after, taking it partially or in full; using its logo and address; using the sacred objects including liturgical vestments and sacred texts that are used for worship and liturgical services; and instructs the officials of the Church and the government at all levels to follow up on this issue. Furthermore, any individual and institution found violating this decision will be prosecuted according to the appropriate laws both in and outside the country. The Holy Synod has decided that international and national legal experts be assigned to enforce the law and that everything should be done through the Patriarchate Head Office.

8. The Holy Synod has decided to appoint a committee by the Standing permanent Holy Synod to conduct a detailed study and propose a solution to the current problems.

9. It is decided that awareness meetings, forums (workshops) should be held with His Excellency the Prime Minister of the FDRE and all respective government officials at all levels; And this decision should be delivered to them with an official letter.

10. It is decided that awareness-raising campaigns should be held regarding this decision of the General Assembly of the Holy Synod for the servants and believers of the Church in the country and abroad, and hold a major campaign and awareness creation forum at the national level in the presence of the heads of dioceses.

11. The Holy Synod has ordered that a letter should be sent to governmental and non-governmental institutions located in and outside the country; Sister Churches/ Oriental Orthodox Churches, Eastern Orthodox Churches; The Roman Catholic Church and other Churches; World Council of Churches, the All African Council of Churches and all other Churches and religious assemblies confirming that these excommunicated individuals do not represent the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and do not have any work relationship.

12. One of the deceitful information given by these individuals is to pretend that their evil actions are the question of the Oromo people. However, this action does not represent the Oromo people who love their religion/faith and have the wisdom to respect their ancestors. Hence, it should be known to all that they did this to satisfy their thirst for authority. In addition, the Holy Synod decided to give an appropriate answer to the false rumors they spread. We convey our gratitude to all who have shown your solidarity by being on the side of the Holy Church by releasing statements, and doing your part to uphold the unity and sovereignty of our Church. The Holy Synod further calls upon you to remain on our side with your prayers and virtuous solidarity.

The Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
January 26, 2023
Addis Ababa Ethiopia